Friday, April 10, 2009



I have only been biking a few years. This is the first year that I have a coach. I am working with Kathy Sherwin, she is awesome to work with. It is sometimes hard to work in riding with being a mom, doing home-schooling with Alicia, running my own screen printing business and everything else that you need to keep a household running. She had been great in being able to work my training schedule with my everyday life. I am aiming for cyclocross season and part of my training is to do some mountain bike races. I am very inexperienced at mountain biking, so I am very intimidated about doing technical stuff. Which is why I ended up in a creek at last weeks race. I also have a long way to work my endurance. I just don't feel like I just can't go as fast as everyone else. I do feel like that I am doing better, but I just am not were I would like to be. I am hoping as the season continues I will feel more comfortable riding technical stuff and to be able to keep up a bit more.


This race did not go exactly as I would have wanted. I ended up in one of the small creeks, it happened because I did not commit to riding through it and chickened out at the last minute. I had a hard time riding most of the technical stuff after this. I lost my number also. I found my number and it was in the water of all place. Don P takes some amazing picutres check them out at . Here are some more pictures from the race.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

International Intergalactic Global Open Mountain Bike Team Relay Championship of the Universe, Including the Anti-Matter One

The first race of the season. We did not do really well, but had a good time. Here are some pictures from the race. More to come.

Nicole and Alicia waiting for their turn to ride.

Knights from Monty Python.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here are some pictures from camp. Everyone had a good time, even the dogs.

Katie enjoying some time with other dogs.

Morgan after a fun ride.

Some of the junior riders waiting to go ride.

Jenny, Amber and Alicia before a ride.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Making the best of riding the trainer.

Riding the trainer indoors during the winter really stinks, but Alicia and I try to have a good time by listening to our ipods and being goofy. Well, I am actually the one being goofy so she forgets about complaining so much.
The cats were pretty interested in the bikes for a short time.

Spring is finally here!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Morgan, Alicia, Ethan and I went to Sam's Club to buy food for the Mid - Atlantic Cycling Development Camp. We are planning on feeding about 60 cyclists for most of the weekend.

We filled the entire truck bed with food. Morgan had to make some additional trips to the store for some items they we overlooked. We had to take 2 cars to camp because we had 3 bikes, our gear for the weekend, Katie(the dog) and all the food. We went through 10 pounds of bacon along with almost 10 pounds of pancake mix at Saturday morning's breakfast. For Saturday's dinner we went through 12 pounds of pasta and 2 Large bags of meatballs.
Here is a picture of what some of the food we bought.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Velo Bella Mid-Atlantic Retreat Weekend

We started our weekend with our awesome bike Mechanic checking out everyone's bike before our ride through the battlefield. It was a bit chilly, but the sun was out and it made it at least feel a bit warmer. Our Saturday ride we went for 15.3 miles. It was a really fun ride. Next stop, off to some wineries.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day one of my training adventure!

I finally decided to get a coach and actually train for races instead of just being on my bike during the races. What a novel idea!

Last year was less than stellar, but I did get alot of experience(in being last)as well as just doing the whole race thing. This will be my third year racing. I would not say I have been racing seriously or anything. I just went out and did it and hoped to finish and have fun while doing it.